Thursday, December 11, 2008

What to Do When Your Computer Does Not Shut Down

This problem of a computer not shutting down is actually more common than you might think, and the solution to this problem is in fact pretty simple. The more common symptoms faced by most users are that after a user clicks on the 'shutdown' button, the computer seems to be in a state of stasis and instead of shutting down, there is constant disk activity. The computer then seems to hang and the disk light dies, maybe hiccupping once in a while. Some people experience the "blue screen of death" and the familiar beep sound comes on whenever they try to press any of the keyboard buttons. If this is happening to you on almost a weekly basis then this article will definitely help you out, as it tells you what to do when your computer does not shut down.

The problem is most likely your system registry. This little component Windows uses is stored in the system folder and the easiest way of explaining its concept is that the registry is a sort of a critical log book that Windows uses. Every thing that happens within the Windows environment will be tracked in the log book and what the operating system lists down in the registry are the instructions of each and every program that is installed within it. It is not only limited to software, but hardware changes and instructions are also placed within the registry. This includes system files, load files, driver details - everything to make your programs run as they should. Now as time goes by, you would have done a lot of installing and uninstalling, and mistakes do happen since even computers and code are not perfect. So problems like invalid entries, lost and orphan data keys, blank spaces and even virulent lines of code written by malware and Trojan viruses get self invited to the registry. This means that your registry could possibly end up corrupted, and the common symptoms of this is a slower computer, common auto run errors, runtime errors and even Windows and program crashes.

There is always a reason why the computer cannot shut down. There are certain procedures that it does to shut down and the problem can occur when a registry entry for a program it's trying to close is either lost or corrupted. Or the registry is filled with invalid system entries that choke the system when it is trying to exit from its operating system environment and close down critical system programs.

What you need to do of course is to get a registry cleaner, a program that is freely available on the internet. Download a good one - so do your research and soon your computer problems will go away and it will be able to shut down once again. The registry is actually the root of many problems within the Windows environment and you should always do a scan and clean once every week to ensure that it runs healthily. This is what to do when your computer does not shut down and I hope this article has solved your problem.

Credit: Logan Albright

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500

You can argue the toss regarding the pros and cons of quad-core CPUs. We don't doubt their unmatched multi-tasking and multi-threaded clout. But when it comes to gaming, the benefits are less obvious. You can count the games that make proper use of a quad-core chip on the digits of one RSI-worn metacarpus. Dual-core still delivers the best bang for your buck if gaming is your main focus.

With that in mind, the new dual-core variants of Intel's 45nm Penryn CPU family look like a no-brainer. For the most part, that's how it turns out. The top E8500 model is clocked at an impressive 3.l6GHz, which translates into single and dual-threaded performance to match any processor on the planet. It's also impressively efficient compared to the outgoing 65nm generation of Core 2 Duo CPUs from Intel. Despite running a few hundred MHz faster than the old 2.93GHz X6850 dual-core chip, the E8500 consumes 30 watts less under full load.

It's also significantly quicker in every benchmark than the X6850. Part of that is no doubt thanks to the faster frequency, but the addition of 2MB of cache memory, now a borderline-silly total of 6MB, doesn't hurt. The same goes for the faster 1,333MHz bus. It's all gravy.

Of course, Intel would also claim that the various tweaks made to the Penryn architecture boost the dock-for-dock performance of its latest cores, too. You know, the new Radix 16 divider, enhanced SuperShuffle Engine and all that jazz. In practice, it's effectively impossible to isolate each of the upgrades and deduce exactly how much benefit they bring.

What we can say, however, is that the overall performance advantage of the E8500 over the X6850 is always above 10 per cent and sometimes as much as 20 per cent. That's despite the dock speed differential of just eight per cent. And remember, the E8500 is less than $300. At launch a little over 18 months ago, the X6850 was the world's fastest PC chip and cost a cool $900. That's progress for you.

The good news doesn't end there. We can also report that the E8500 is every bit as good an overclocking chip as you would hope; hitting 4GHz on air cooling is a cinch. Up the volts a bit, and even higher speeds are possible. All of which just leaves one lingering doubt. The full-fat, 12MB cache Q9450 quad-core chip can be had for just $50 more. Sure it's clocked a little lower at 2.6GHz. But for any system that's remotely multipurpose, the Q9450 is probably a better all-round bet.

Credit: fin2000

Monday, December 8, 2008

Leading Blu-ray Technology

Sony is the founder of the blu-ray technology that can store the full length movie in the format of HDTV and with the same sized disk as DVD or the CD. Purpose of the blu-ray technology was to introduce a new format for the HD audio, video and data. Its name is combination of two words “blue” & “ray”. This name refers to the blue laser used in this disk format. Blu-ray disk format is gaining more attention and success because of its outstanding performance and large capacity to store data.

Keeping in view the growing demand of the blu-ray disk format, the major movie studios plan to release their movies in the blu-ray format. The blu-ray DVD can record nearly five times more amount of data than the traditional DVD (4.7 GB) and 40 times in comparison to the CD. 25GB of data can reside on a single layer and 50GB on the dual layer blu-ray disk. This is amazingly very high capacity and the blue-violet laser helps the disk to record such high volumes of data on the disk whose size is the same as that of the Digital Versatile Disc DVD.

The supporters of the blu-ray format are increasing rapidly. Not only the leading studios but also the companies related to video games, computers and music are also backing this technology. Blu-ray disk format provides excellent opportunity and facility to the users of high-definition and the people related to the video productions who wish to upgrade to editing and High-definition kit. Blu-ray has the latest technology and features that protect the user’s investment and also help them to tackle the increasing demands and requirements of their clients.

Blu-ray also fulfills the needs of large data archiving. The blu-ray drives are now being installed more common in offices and homes. Most of the computer systems are shipped nowadays with blu-ray drives. After the launch of Sony PlayStation-3, most of the home users have switched to the blu-ray technology. Blu-ray disk format is winning the competition over the other DVD formats and more businesses and people are shifting towards the blu-ray technology.

The users enjoy more watching movie using the blu-ray disk as compared to the DVD. The picture result of blu-ray is sharper. The blu-ray disks have 9 x 16 (HD-video) and DTS 5.1, Dolby 5.1, Dolby7.1 (high quality audio). Recording of HDTV can be done without any interruption and loss of data or resolution by the blu-ray technology. With the viewers, blu-ray can have more dynamic interaction with the help of the Java ME applications that run on the system. It can download additional information and updates as it can access the internet. The viewers are able to skip any part of the blu-ray disks. The users have the facility to watch and record the same blu-ray disk at the same time. As the blu-ray disks can hold great amount of data so the users do not have any such problems of recording all data they are interested in.

The leading production companies like MGM, Paramount and Disney are looking forward to release their movies on blu-ray. The viewers are beginning to phase out the DVD formats just as they have given up the VHS movies. Nowadays, most of the viewers are adopting the new blu-ray technology as it offers more benefits and advantages than the DVDs. The DVD users usually have the problems of having scratches on the DVD disk, but the blu-ray disks have a protective coating in order to keep them safe from scratches. The blue laser encodes and decodes the data in blu-ray format and red laser in the DVDs and CDs.

Credit: Shawn Paul

Sunday, December 7, 2008

How Can I Fix ActiveX Errors?

There is nothing worse than browsing the web—researching airfare for your next vacation, buying tickets for tonight’s show, watching a news video—and then getting interrupted with an error message such as, “Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.” Or you could be checking your email or downloading music when an ActiveX error pops up. When these errors occur you may be left frustrated and asking yourself, “What is ActiveX, and how can I fix it?” It turns out that your PC is not really in need of an ActiveX repair, but a registry repair.

What is the Registry?
The registry is like a low-level operators manual for your Windows operating system. It stores information and settings for basic functions—its almost like a dictionary. Every time you right click on your mouse for example, your computer accesses the registry, which will “define” the action and tell the computer what to do. The registry has information that is native to the operating system, but this dictionary can also be added to or overwritten. In the event you install a new mouse for example, new information might be added, or old settings might be replaced. An easy way to know if your registry has been altered in any way is if you are required to re-boot your computer (typically after installing new hardware or software).

What is Active X?
Computers allow us to do a lot more than just click a mouse however, and that’s where ActiveX comes in. Certain programs like Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, or Internet Explorer require very advanced functions, and are constantly changing and upgrading. One way to look at it is that these programs have advanced so much beyond the basic building blocks, they no longer speak English. In order to access the basic information contained in the registry (which they need to function), they need a translator. ActiveX is that translator. ActiveX accesses information stored in the registry, and communicates it to these programs so they can function at the next level.

ActiveX is often hard at work behind the scenes accessing the registry for information. These efforts usually go unnoticed and go off without a hitch, but you may be unlucky enough to experience an error. Some common errors are:

• When ‘Downloading ActiveX Control’ your Internet Explorer freezes
• Runtime Error ‘429′: ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object
• Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.

These errors are frustrating but one can see why they might occur. What’s happening is that ActiveX is trying to access the registry, or “dictionary.” But the dictionary has become overcrowded and altered beyond recognition. Picture this: There are now two or three different definitions listed instead of only one. Someone has pasted over sections with new information, and the original text can’t be found. Pages have gone missing, and information has been misfiled. The dictionary is now virtually useless. You are now in desperate need of registry repair.

One solution would to go out and buy a new computer (i.e. purchase a new dictionary). Not only is this not a realistic solution financially, but all that new and valuable information would be lost. The ideal solution is to flip through and edit the entire dictionary, page by page. Fortunately, this solution is offered via a software called Reg Cure. Reg Cure is a registry cleaner that uses the most sophisticated technology available to analyze your registry for missing, obsolete, and corrupt entries. It is a safe, effective way to fix your PC registry errors. You can download Reg Cure and scan your computer for free at RegistryRepairProgram.

Don’t let ActiveX errors keep you from accessing your favorite programs. Reg Cure offers you an easy solution to a common problem. There is no need for ActiveX repair, simply use this comprehensive registry cleaner and your ActiveX errors will be a thing of the past.

Credit: Hill Brittany

Saturday, December 6, 2008

VoIP :: A New Era?

Following the arrival of VoIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, the internet techies have been raving about it, and it is now one of the hottest new technologies around, but what is it and why is it talked about so much?

Well let's begin with what VoIP is. In short, it allows you to make phone calls over the internet using your broadband connection, but has many benefits:

- You can make phone calls from virtually anywhere in the world to anywhere else using your computer.

- Depending on the speed of your connection, you are able to make several calls at the same time.

- If you move home, you are able to keep your same number, even if you move from one side of the world to the other. As you do not have an actual land line, but a converter that has a number assigned, as long as keep the converter with you, you can plug it into any broadband connection and immediately utilize your usual number for making and receiving calls.

Another benefit of VoIP, which many will find useful, and be an attractive feature for many businesses, is the ability to connect to your office phone, whether it be from a hotel or from home. This will enable company personnel to work out of the office, but still have access to all of the office phone system features.

VoIP can also be very cost effective, especially when making long-distance calls. This factor has meant that telephone service providers have to compete with VoIP, in turn ensuring pricing is much more competitive.

At the beginning, the voice quality for those using VoIP was not as good as with a traditional phone line. However the continual technological advancements have meant that the difference in quality is now not as apparent.

So how does it work?

To begin with your voice is converted into bytes so that it can be compressed, split it into packets, and transmitted over the internet. These packets, which contain a collection of information, including the origin, timestamp, and intended destination of the packet, is then converted at the receivers end so that your voice is recognised.

There are many that are already abandoning existing telephone networks and solely using VoIP. For a wealth of information on VoIP take a look at

Credit: Justin Brown

Friday, December 5, 2008

Tips How to View Private Myspace Profiles

We all notice that if you are a MySpace user, you've come across some profiles that you're dying taboo to view but only to catch out that they're set to private. You realize that the simply way to view their profile is to add them as a friend and hope they accept. Unfortunately, nearly of the time they don't know you and they wont accept your friend request. However, I can show you how to view private profiles on MySpace.

I know personally, I've stumbled upon a profile of someone I thought I recognized. All I need to do is look into some more pictures on their profile to be sure. But when I try to view their MySpace profile, I find it's set to private. Now I see the only way I can view their pictures is to send a friend request to them. But we all know that this can be tiresome and most of the time not work at all. If their profile is set to private, they'll most potentially not add you as a friend.

Private profiles is a great feature on MySpace, however they can be a real annoying when it comes to finding friends that you haven't seen in a long time, or becoming friends with someone that you think look cool.

Fortunately, I came across a site recently in some dark corner of the internet. On this site, you can enter the MySpace user ID and it will return with every picture that user uploaded on their profile, without having to send a friend request or gain access to their private MySpace profile. This is the greatest tool i've found in a long time. Now for all of that have wondered, here is a new way to view Private MySpace profiles. There, you'll find how to view private MySpace profiles.

Credit: PJ

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Turn Your Laptop in to a GPS System

A Global Positioning System (or GPS) is a satellite navigation system that works by continually transmitting high-frequency radio signals containing the time and location of a person anywhere on Earth. With miniaturized GPS units and fewer integrated circuits GPS technology has become economical and accessible almost to everyone. It really has changed the way we work and play.

Although it would probably amaze many people, it is possible to turn your laptop into a GPS system. In fact, there are many individuals who already found how easy to it to use their laptop as a GPS.

When a person has a laptop all they really need do is purchase the software for a GPS system and then configure the laptop according to the settings. Some software available already has the configuration worked into the software but can be a bit more expensive for some people to use. Also, there are those laptops that won't work with certain types of software, so it is a good idea to make sure the laptop is indeed compatible with the software.

Most of the software for the GPS installation on the market today will only work with windows XP or newer version of Windows. However, you may still find some older versions that work with previous Windows versions. In addition, there are certain instructions that should be followed after the software is installed to get the best possible performance out of the laptop.

For example, the battery life on the laptop is only going to last for so long and then it will need to essentially be recharged. This is important thing to consider if you are going to rely on the laptop as a navigation aid. Sometimes turning certain features on the laptop off after a period of time if they are not in use by any programs that are running the laptop can lengthen the battery life.

There are several web sites via the Internet that offer information about the many different ways users can ultimately turn the laptop into a GPS system for road or general navigation use. Some of these web sites can also help or assist with installation as well. In some situations the software can be purchased via the web site on the Internet, depending on which web site an individual is at.

With a powerful laptop that is enabled with a GPS your road experience will turn into an adventure. As more people realize that the laptop can be transformed into these types of GPS systems, the idea will increase in popularity and more individuals will carry their laptop with them in the vehicles they are on the move.

Credit: Richard Neesal